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How to stop DNS leakage with a VPN

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Leaking Dns is a privacy and security problem that occurs when a VPN fails to mask your IP address. A VPN is a software that creates a secure tunnel between your device and the website's server, hiding your IP address and encrypting all traffic.

DNS (domain names system) is a sort of phonebook, or directory which maps domains to their IP addresses. When you type in a domain name, your web browser asks the DNS to map the IP address.

This process is a crucial part of the internet's infrastructure. Without a proper DNS, your device wouldn't be able to access the websites you want.

DNS leaks are most commonly caused by misconfigured network settings on your computer or any other device. This is more common with Windows Operating Systems. They prefer to use their default LAN servers (local area networks) rather than VPN servers (virtualprivatenetwork).

Luckily, there are tools that can help you determine whether your device is vulnerable to DNS leaks or not. These tools are able to determine which DNS servers resolve domain names on certain websites.

The tool will return a list of the IPs that each of these DNS servers resolved. If you are able to identify the IPs that appear in your results, you will be able to compare them with yours. You will need to use a new DNS server if any of the IPs appear to leak.

You can also test your VPN's DNS leak protection using a free service called DNSFilter, which will allow you to find out which servers are exposing your data. This will protect you from leaks in future, and help you to avoid them when connected via a shared network such as a public WiFi.

Tor is another way to test your VPN's leakage of DNS. Tor does not require DNS settings in the operating systems. This will prevent your browsing activity from being tracked by unauthorized entities, such as your ISP.

DNS leaks are a big concern for users who download content from file sharing sites, as they can be used by governments to track their activities. Edward Snowden showed this in 2015, as a Canadian government tracked the browsing habits and other activities of its citizens using this technique.

DNS leaks, in general, can be dangerous because they expose the real IP address. This can pose serious problems for your security, privacy and safety.

ExpressVPN provides a safe and private VPN. The servers used by the company are fast and secure. This means that nobody can see the websites you visit or the apps you use.

Some ISPs enforce their own DNS servers when they detect a change in IP. This is called a transparent DNS proxy, and it can be detected by most DNS leak detection tools.

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What kind of websites should I make?

It all depends on what your goals are. If you are looking to build a business from your website, it may be beneficial to focus on selling online products. This will require you to set up a strong eCommerce site.

Blogs, portfolios and forums are all popular websites. Each one requires different skills and tools. For example, to set up a website, you need to understand blogging platforms such WordPress or Blogger.

You must decide how to personalize your site's appearance when choosing a platform. There are many templates and themes available that can be used for free on each platform.

Once you have selected a platform you can add content to your website. Your pages can be filled with images, videos and text.

Your new website is ready to be published online. Visitors can access your website in their browsers once it is published.

Can I use HTML & CCS to build my website?

Yes, you can! It's possible! You need to have basic knowledge in web design and programming languages, such as HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS and Cascading Style sheets (Cascading CSS Sheets). These two languages allow you to create websites that can then be viewed by anyone who has access to your internet connection.

Web development: Is it hard?

Web Development is hard but you can learn it if you are passionate about coding.

The only thing you need is to search for the right tools and follow their steps step by step.

YouTube and other platforms provide many tutorials. There are also free online programs like Sublime Text and Notepad++.

There are also lots of books available in bookstores and libraries. Some of the most sought-after books are:

"Head First HTML & CSS" by O'Reilly Media

"Head First PHP & MySQL 5th Edition" by O'Reilly Media

Packt Publishing - "PHP programming for absolute beginners"

I hope this article helped you.

What is responsive web design?

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is an approach to designing websites where content displays responsively on all devices - desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. This allows visitors to view the website on one device and access other features like buttons, navigation menus, etc. The goal of RWD is to ensure that when a user views a site on any screen size, they view the exact version of the site.

Consider, for instance, that you're building a website for an eCommerce company and your products are sold primarily online. It is important to ensure that your website can be accessed on any device, including a smartphone.

A responsive site will automatically adjust its layout based on the device being used to view it. The site will display exactly the same way on a laptop as if it were viewed on a desktop computer. But, the page will appear differently if you view it on your phone.

This means you can make a website that looks amazing on all types of devices.


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How To

How can I start as a UI Designer

There are two paths to becoming a UI design:

  1. You can get a degree from school in UI Design.
  2. You can start freelance.

To go to school, you will need to enroll in college or university for four years. This covers art, business, psychology, and computer science.

You can also attend classes at state universities and community colleges. Some schools offer free programs; others charge tuition fees.

After graduating, you'll need to find employment. You must establish a client base if you want to work for yourself. You should network with other professionals to let them know that you exist.

Internships are also available at web application development companies. Many companies hire interns before they hire full-time staff.

Your portfolio will help to get you more work. Your portfolio should contain your work samples and details of the projects you worked on.

It is a smart idea to send potential employers your portfolio via email.

You will need to market your services as a freelancer. You can post your services on job boards, such as Guru, Indeed, Guru or Upwork.

Freelancers are often assigned by recruiters posting job openings online. These recruiters seek qualified candidates to fill open positions within certain industries.

These recruiters often provide a briefing detailing the job requirements to the candidate.

A freelancer is not required to sign a long-term contract. It is best to negotiate an upfront fee if you intend to move forward.

Designers prefer working directly with clients over working through agencies. Although this might seem like a great idea, many people lack the necessary skills.

Agency workers often have extensive industry knowledge. They can also access specialized training and resources that will allow them to produce top-quality work.

Aside from these benefits, agency workers are often paid a higher hourly pay.

One downside to working through an agency is the inability to have direct contact at work with the employer.

As a UI designer you need to be motivated, creative, flexible, detail-oriented and communicative.

It is also important to have great verbal and written communication skills.

UI designers are responsible for designing websites by creating user interfaces (UI) and visual elements.

They are also responsible in ensuring that the site meets all users' requirements.

This means understanding the needs of visitors and how the site should work.

Wireframes are created by UI designers using a variety of tools. Before they begin designing, wireframing allows them to visualize the page's layout.

Online wireframe templates make it simple to create your own wireframes.

Some designers specialize in UI design alone, while others combine UI with graphic design.

Photoshop is a popular software used by graphic designers for editing images.

Adobe InDesign is then used to layout pages and layouts.

Photographers capture images using digital cameras or DSLRs.

Then, they upload the photos to a photo editor program, where they add captions and filters.

After the shoot, the photographer saves and archives the image in a format compatible with website.

It is important that you consider all aspects of web design when creating a website.

This includes research as well planning, wireframing. prototyping. testing. coding. content creation. and publishing.

Research - It is crucial to conduct extensive research before beginning a new venture.

Planning – Once you've done your research, you will want to start developing a plan.

Wireframing is a preliminary sketch for a web page, or application.

Prototyping -- Prototypes allow you to make sure that your final product is exactly what you imagined.

Testing - The prototype should undergo multiple rounds of testing to ensure it works properly.

Coding - Coding refers to the process of writing computer code.

Content Creation - This includes everything from managing social media accounts to writing copy.

Publishing entails uploading files to a server and ensuring the site is accessible.

You will be required to study about other projects in order to work as a freelance UX/UI design.

One example is that some companies only need wire frames, while others need complete prototypes.

Depending upon the type and scope of the project, you may be asked for specific tasks.

One example is that if you are hired as a wireframe designer, you might be required to create many wireframes.

If you're hired to create a complete prototype, you may be required to develop a fully functional version of the site.

Regardless of the type of project, it's important to have strong interpersonal skills.

You need to build strong relationships with potential employers as freelancers are hired primarily through referrals.

Furthermore, you should be able and able to communicate both verbally AND in writing.

A portfolio is an essential part any freelancer's arsenal.

It displays your work and shows your ability to produce high-quality results.

You can do it online with a professional portfolio.

Finding websites similar to yours is the best way to start.

Next, search these sites to discover which site offers what services.

Once you have identified the best practices you believe are most effective, you can start to implement them.

It's also beneficial to include links within your resume to your portfolio.


How to stop DNS leakage with a VPN